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Royal Panda Apk Download

Ancient Chinese believed that the music could purify one's mind. More than 3,000 years ago, ancient China had some 70 types of musical instruments. The royal family and aristocrats had their own orchestra. For them, music was also a way to display their power, position and taste distinguished from common people. However, as music was never limited to the upper social class, the musical trend gradually turned from solemnity to entertaining. Huge and complex instruments like the bronze chimes gave way to more lively and easy-play wind and reed instruments. During the Tang Dynasty, which is one of the strongest and most prosperous empires in Chinese history, was a golden age for musical development. Many of the Tang emperors were musicians or composers themselves. With frequent cultural exchanges with other cultures, a large number of exotic instruments were introduced, altered and finally adopted into the family of Chinese traditional instruments. Chinese traditional musical instruments can be mainly classified into three categories, string, wind and percussion.
Ranging from flute to fiddle, this app consists of 10 beautiful musics played using Chinese instruments. There are:
- Bamboo Flute
- Chinese Fiddle
- Chinese Fiddle and Violin
- Big Fish
- Zither and Bamboo Flute
- Wanderlust Dream
- Red Lotus
- Adorned Cage
- Flower Banquet
- Ballad
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Royal Panda Apk Download Pc

Ancient Chinese believed that the music could purify one's mind. More than 3,000 years ago, ancient China had some 70 types of musical instruments. The royal family and aristocrats had their own orchestra. For them, music was also a way to display their power, position and taste distinguished from common people. However, as music was never limited to the upper social class, the musical trend gradually turned from solemnity to entertaining. Huge and complex instruments like the bronze chimes gave way to more lively and easy-play wind and reed instruments. During the Tang Dynasty, which is one of the strongest and most prosperous empires in Chinese history, was a golden age for musical development. Many of the Tang emperors were musicians or composers themselves. With frequent cultural exchanges with other cultures, a large number of exotic instruments were introduced, altered and finally adopted into the family of Chinese traditional instruments. Chinese traditional musical instruments can be mainly classified into three categories, string, wind and percussion.
Ranging from flute to fiddle, this app consists of 10 beautiful musics played using Chinese instruments. There are:
- Bamboo Flute
- Chinese Fiddle
- Chinese Fiddle and Violin
- Big Fish
- Zither and Bamboo Flute
- Wanderlust Dream
- Red Lotus
- Adorned Cage
- Flower Banquet
- Ballad